Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act - Panel Discussion

  • January 13, 2022
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom Webinar


Registration is closed

Infrastructure Investment
and Jobs Act -
Panel Discussion

On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which will provide more than $1 trillion ($550 billion in new spending) of investment in physical infrastructure over five years. The dollar amounts are large and broad allocation across sectors has been announced, but there is much to understand about how the program will be implemented and how it will impact the scope and timing of several critical infrastructure projects in our region.

Key questions include:

- How will projects be prioritized?
- How are states and local governments obligated to contribute funding?
- Are there specific incentives for green/social projects, and how are these to be monitored?
- From the issuer’s perspective, are there any hidden risks depending on how the program is structured? - How will these additional funds impact your issuance in the municipal bond market?
- What new opportunities may arise under federal loan and bond programs, including TIFIA and RRIF?
- Were there any GFOA priorities excluded from the legislation? Any next steps?

Join us for a Panel Discussion on this landmark legislation.

Date & Time:

Thursday, January 13, 2022
12:30 - 1:30 pm ET


Zoom Webinar
NOTE: This event will NOT be recorded, and press is not allowed.


Panel Moderator: Julie Burger, Managing Director, Wells Fargo

Emily Brock, Director, Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)

Patrick McCoy, Director of Finance, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)

Naomi Renek, Senior Advisor for Federal Policy, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)

Frank Sacr, Interim CFO/Interim Executive Director, Gateway Program Development Corporation


NEWPF Members:  FREE
ISSUERS: FREE (send an email to to be registered).
Non-Members:  $25
Students: $10

Register by clicking the link the button on the left.

Registration has two parts: you must complete the registration form (and make your payment if necessary), then register on Zoom using the link that will be provided to you.

If you have any questions, please email


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